

位于密西西比河和俄亥俄河的交汇处, 手机版, 肯塔基州是一个适合居住的好地方, 工作, 玩和购物.  无论您是否正在寻找我们的社区搬迁您的业务, 一个新的居住地或旅游目的地, 我们邀请你来我们家做客.


1842年建立于俄亥俄河和密西西比河的汇合处, 手机版是以布兰德·巴拉德上尉命名的, 一个士兵, 政治家, 也是肯塔基州议会的成员. The communities within our county have developed distinct characteristics that together, 将整个县定义为一个整体. 县城位于威克利夫最西部地区.


威克利夫也是威克利夫土墩的所在地. 这里曾经是一个密西西比村庄的所在地,大约在公元1100-1300年, the site is now a state historic site 和 home to a research center 和 museum.


Our county is home to a great amount of resources for outdoor enthusiasts.  你是否正在寻找狩猎的机会, 钓鱼, 水上运动, 徒步旅行, 露营之类的,  来参观我们吧.








上午9:00 -霰弹枪启动 





我们想邀请您参加我们的社区调查. 这是你表达意见的好机会! 点击下面的按钮进入在线调查.


Add Your Business To The NEW Kentucky Great River Road Website Directory

We are excited to announce the re-launch 和 re-br和ing of the Kentucky Great River Region Organization with a new logo 和 a new website at www.KYGRRO.com

One of the new features on the site allows local businesses to add their own information, picture, 还有简短的描述和你的联系方式, 网站链接和链接到您的社交媒体帐户.

另一个功能允许个人使用, businesses 和 other organizations to post upcoming community events to the site.

请利用这两个功能. 它是 完全免费的 让你使用,也让你受益. Once either are submitted, we will double check the information 和 approve it to be posted.

We are asking local businesses to PLEASE upload their information on the new site as soon as possible.  去 www.KYGRRO.com 点击“添加你的业务”.


  • Business must be located in Ballard, Carlisle, Fulton or Hickman counties.
  • Business must fall under one of the following categories: Attractions, Dining, 住宿 or Shopping.
  • 企业必须上传一个标志或照片来展示.



What was considered a threat to western Kentucky’s aquatic environments 反而给手机版带来了净利. The area celebrated the imminent arrival of eight new businesses related to Asian carp 和 river fish in its Kentucky International Industrial Fish Park during a ribbon cutting ceremony Tuesday at Fort Jefferson Park 和 Memorial Cross in Wickliffe.

These new businesses will fill out the 72-acre industrial park, joining anchor business 两河渔业  Noval和集团. 公园里会挤满人,现在所有的房产都卖光了. 新合资企业包括江太阳集团, 两河游, 联合渔业集团, 快捷钓鱼及运动, 渔业有限公司, Magasam, 亚洲鲤鱼艺术和Honcoop宠物食品. All of these businesses harvest or process carp 和 river fish or serve to promote 和 market the industry.

“Angie (Yu) 和 her team took the lemons of the invasive carp species 和 made lemonade,” 手机版 Judge-Executive Todd Cooper told the crowd of 50 or so business people 和 county residents. “25年前, 手机版财政法院 和 the 手机版 economic board partnered together 和 bought a 72-acre tract of property in Wickliffe … that developed into what is now known as the Kentucky International Industrial Fish Park. 很多工作都是为了那个公园.”



The purpose of the US 51 Bridge Project is to improve cross river mobility between Wickliffe, 肯塔基和开罗, 伊利诺斯州, by addressing the safety 和 reliability issues caused by the narrow lane widths, lack of shoulders 和 tight curve of the existing bridge 和 its approaches. 

美国51号桥是肯塔基州最长的桥, 是俄亥俄河最西端的渡口. 现有桥面面积为22层.5英尺宽,狭窄的10英尺车道和1.肩高25英尺,不能容纳行人.

The 2013 planning study also noted inadequate vehicle headlight sight distance 和 a tight horizontal curve on the Kentucky approach which does not meet national or state design st和ards. 2008年10月至2012年9月, there were 18 vehicle crashes on the bridge between the 20- mph curve in Kentucky 和 the US 60/US 51 intersection in 伊利诺斯州. 在这些撞车事故中,没有人员死亡,只有一人受伤. 事故主要集中在桥的两端. 主要崩溃类型

The bridge was designed before much was known about earthquake engineering. 然而,新马德里断层线位于这一地理区域之下. Applying current seismic design criteria, preliminary estimates indicate that severe damage or

Currently, the bridge does not allow oversize or overweight permit loads. 

有关该项目的更多信息,请访问 http://us51bridge.com

Located in far Western Kentucky at the confluence of  the Mississippi 和 the Ohio Rivers, 手机版有着独特的发展基础.  你会在每一个转折点发现大量未开发的潜力. 常被描述为猎人的天堂, 我们有丰富的户外娱乐活动, 野生动物, 和冒险. The traditions native to our communities revolve around the area’s rich history 和 natural resources which create unmatched authentic experiences. With a strong agricultural background 手机版’s values firmly reflect our pride in serving America.
手机版财政法院,商会和经济 & 工业委员会 have all joined together to focus on growing our economy through entrepreneurship, 发展现有业务, encouraging 和 incentivising businesses to relocate to our community 和 tourism.  我们邀请您花时间探索肯塔基州手机版.  请告知我们如何为您服务.
手机版, Kentucky is centrally located in the Jackson Purchase Region of Western Kentucky near the confluence of the Ohio 和 Mississippi Rivers.  肯塔基州的威克利夫是县城.  Our county offers small town charm of a rural community with the convenience of quick access to major cities.

The low cost of living 和 high quality of life afforded in this centrally-located region of the United States is second to none. 西肯塔基州拥有丰富的遗产、创造力和多样性. From performing arts 和 Civil War battle sites to a haven for outdoor enthusiasts of all types,  手机版, 肯塔基州为每个人提供了一些东西. Make 手机版, Kentucky your new home or come visit our community.


寻找一个生活、工作、娱乐和购物的好地方?  Here are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions that we hear from visitors to our community.


当调查, some of the most common words used to describe our county include: friendly, 和平, 风景优美的, 安全到家. 我们鼓励您来访问我们,看看我们为什么喜欢我们的社区.

肯塔基州手机版拥有丰富的历史和自然资源.  From the Fort Jefferson Memorial Cross at the confluence of the Mississippi 和 Ohio Rivers to the vast acres of prime hunting 和 钓鱼 areas, 我们的国家有适合每个人的东西.  手机版也是肯塔基州大河路的一部分.  下次自驾游一定要来看看我们.
地理位置优越,可通往主要州际公路, rail service 和 rivers to a Kentucky Work Ready Community with a readily available 工作force to the low cost of living, 我县是您开展业务的正确选择.

Residents who are located in the city limits may contact their local City Halls. Wickliffe (270-335-3552), 巴洛 (270-334-3500), LaCenter (270-665-5162) 和 Kevil (270-462-3104) 


New Commonwealth Gas (270-335-3116) 




手机版 Road Department, (270-334-3938) or the Road Supervisor, Tod Vance (270-748-2458).


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